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Photo of Eduardo Santana Navarro Cuba

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CURRICULUM: Eduardo Santana Navarro. (Havana, October 24, 1966.) Began his studies of Plastic Arts in 1980, a workshop that worked in the Ernest Hemingway Museum, San Fco de Paula, although part of its formation is self-taught . SOLO SHOWS: ? Landscapes, Gallery of Art October 10, 1991. ? Art Gallery Paintings Tretze Galera, Castelln, Spain, 1992. ? Havana of these times, Galera Imago, Gran Teatro de La Habana 2001....

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CURRICULUM: Eduardo Santana Navarro. (Havana, October 24, 1966.) Began his studies of Plastic Arts in 1980, a workshop that worked in the Ernest Hemingway Museum, San Fco de Paula, although part of its formation is self-taught . SOLO SHOWS: ? Landscapes, Gallery of Art October 10, 1991. ? Art Gallery Paintings Tretze Galera, Castelln, Spain, 1992. ? Havana of these times, Galera Imago, Gran Teatro de La Habana 2001. EXHIBITIONS: ? Provincial Salon of youth and adults, sponsored by the Provincial Department of Culture, 1980. ? First National Salon Format: Little, Hall Lalo Carrasco, Hotel Habana Libre, 1981 ? Town Hall of 1982. Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Design. ? Salon "Landscape 82 National Museum of Fine Arts, 1982. ? Invited by the" Version of the Landscape "by X . Anniversary of Lenin Park. Amelia Galera Pelez 1982. ? 1983 Town Hall of Plastic Arts Centre Province and Design. ? With the group "La Viga", presented in the Gallery of Art October 10th municipality in 1984. ? Salon March 13, 1986. Cultural Activities Department of the University of Havana. ? Exhibition "Fiesta." Ernest Hemngway Museum. 1988. ? Exhibition 20 years of Galera L Direcci6n of University Extension, 1988. ? III Hall of Pequeo format. 1988. Provincial Directorate of Culture Camagey. ? IV Hall of Pequeo format. 1988. L. Gale ? III Salon of Plastic Arts "Arstides Fernndez" Universal Art Gallery. Gines, 1990. ? IV Hall of Plastic Arts Arstides Fernandez, 1991 ? Hall of the City, 1994. ? Reunion Exhibition, Galera October 10, 1996. ? VIII Salon of Plastic Arts "Arstides Fernandez, 1996. ? Exhibition Oh La Habana, Galley World Cities, 1997 ? Exhibition "Landscape Project in Portugal" Vidigueira and Beja 1998. ? Project Tribute Group Pelez Amelia Horizontal, Hotel Habana Libre Tryp, 1998. Horizontal ? Project Exhibition: "Myth: Hope eclectic light." 1998. The Burrow, Head Hermanos Saiz Association. ? Exhibition "Fe Landscape." Convento de San Francisco de Ass. Office of the Historian of the City, 1998. ? Project Exhibition Horizontal, Galera Imago, 1998 Horizontal ? Project Exhibition, "Son Art, Painting Cubana de Fin de Siglo. Barcelona, 1999. ? Horizontal Project Exhibition" Made in Cuba Prestige, art and antiques. Barcelona 1999. ? Project Exhibition Horizontal, Galera Galiano, 1999. Salon VII ? Cup, Marianao Art Gallery, 2001. ? Salon Waldo Luis Leyva, Saiz Brothers Brigade, The Burrow, Quinta de los Molinos, 2001. ? Town Hall of 2002, Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Design, Havana. ? Salon March 13 Gale L, University Extension. ? Hall of Pequeo Format Fayad Jamis, Galley L, 2002. ? Exhibition More allde the walls of San Miguel Galera Padrnos, 2002. Landscape Exhibition ? its origins Galera Edges 2004. Virgin Accion ? Exhibition Gallery of San Miguel del Padrnos, 2005. Virgin Group Project. AWARDS: ? Mention Pequeo First National Salon Format, Hall Lalo Carrasco, Hotel Habana Libre, 1981. ? Mention II Salon Arstides Fernndez Universal Art Gallery, Gines, Cosponsored by the UNEAC, 1986. Mention ? Competition July 26th, Directorate Politics of the FAR, 1990. ? First Prize in Landscape Exhibition in Tribute to Amelia Pelez Ceramics Workshop Lenin Park 1990. ? Colonial Art Award, Hall Organized by the ACAA, 1996. Member of: ? ? Saz The Brothers Association The ACAA. ? The ACEA (Association of Institutions artistic Catalana) ? ? Project Community Project Murals murals Murals Cuba-Brazil - Luis Melian Bsic High School. Municipality of San Miguel del Padrnos 2003. - Nguyen Van Troi Primary School. 10 de Octubre municipality. Community Murals Project 2003. - Superacin Provincial Center for culture. Community Murals Project 2003. - Wall of thermoelectric Antonio Maceo, now the MINBAS capacitacin school. Rule municipality. Cuba Mural Project, Brazil 2003. Donations: - Work of mixed technique / cardboard Guayasamin Home for project man hood 1996. - Work of mixed technique / cardboard for the project A work of Paul 1997. - Mural acrylic / wood square to 8 m ESBU Luis Melian 2003. - Collaborations own Revoluciny appear in the Journal Culture. ? Part of his work is in the hands of private collectors in several countries such as Spain, Germany, Portugal, Netherlands, Norway, Guatemala, Venezuela, United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, France, England, Italy, M Mexico, Argentina, Yugoslavia and Switzerland.

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